Lady Gaga “The Edge Of Glory” Premiere

Lady Gaga pays homage to New York City’s brick apartment buildings that called home in her latest music video for “The Edge of Glory,” the third single off her new album Born This Way.

The video is ostensibly toned down from what we’re used to from Gaga, who is known to create short films rather than music videos, costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to produce. “Glory” tells a different story, featuring the 25-year-old singer/songwriter dancing on the fire escape of a New York City-looking facade and sitting on a stoop with legendary saxophonist Clarence Clemons from the E Street Band. The video was shot before Clarence fell ill after suffering a stroke on Sunday.

Though the video is stripped down to the basics, Gaga’s wardrobe isn’t as the fashion icon rocks a black and white bob wig with a gold-studded leather vest of sorts and black stockings. Showing off her impeccably fit body, Gaga up and down the fire escape, writhing and sliding around on the rails singing the electro power ballad.

Check out the full video below and let us know what YOU think in the comments below!

Pretty Little Liars EP.1 Season 3

So tonight on abcfamily the season 3 premiere aired tonight great episode to start off saying!

The show started off were they left it the girls being called a liar saying Ian is died and he is not their, and everyone in town is staring at them like they got zit covered faces. Their taken DOWN TOWN for questioning their friend/cop/secret enemy tell’s them to lie lie lie because he has a secrete but may be wrong we don’t know his secret and Jenna secret they have together.

Cut’s to the girls hanging out and wanting coffee but Spencer’s coffee taste like shakes like shivers down your spin and walking down to make the coffee they see their parents DU DU DU. They tell them they are liars basically and tell them their crazy and you are going to REHAB YOU CRAZY‘S no haha they really tell them their going to a shrink as Hannah call’s it! Spencer is MAD so she storms off and the pack follows.

Girl’s go to the shrink nothing really worth watching they tell her______ nothing to go on she says it’s alright BULL S they are gonna die but have a secret they like to share but don’t know! We then learn Noel comes back more popular then ever they liars don’t know why but we learn it’s because he is dating Mona the evil one. And Caleb comes back to talk to Hannah and win her love, and tell her about the letter she learns Mona is a B finally and she deny’s him and says F OFF, no but really tell’s him to leave and cry’s her heart out and goes and confronts Mona about it they are no longer friend’s and that’s when we learn about Noel when he comes back from the bathroom.

While all this is going on Emily is told to start packing and the rude real estates guy tell’s her to take down her pic’s and child hood D-BAG! and I mean her how tall she was board, witch Tobby rip’s off the wall to save it for Emily how sweet to bad she’s a Lesbian I be down for them two.

The girls go back to the shrink and finally balls up and go to tell the shrink the secret and the “Ill tell you raped me video” but find Ezra‘s diploma witch A broke in Ezra’s apartment and took like it was her’s it does not say “CRAZY B****” it say’s “EZRA FITS.” So the girls leave and tell Ezra change the locks we a sum he did. And the Shrik call’s the parents telling them to keep their daughters away from each other (I should slap a HO) but she did get followed by the man in black so maybe she will learn to keep her mouth shut!

After all the drama Spencer sister Melissa FINALLY Demand’s Spencer to tell her the story again making Spencer not see Toby you dumb (W)HORSE!  you say oh if your going to see Toby I’m okay with it so why u make her stay home HUH??? But in the end it was a good thing  I guess Spencer found Melissa phone with a text…

“Melissa, It’s not safe yet. I can’t tell you”

“How do I know this is you?”

“Ask me anything”

“What are we naming our baby?”


BAM, you here a hit on the green house but then you see the black gloves pick up the photo and then you see the laptop deleting files first and for most EMILY who leaves their laptop open when theirs a open house going on and you know A is lose???  then BAM SHOW IS OVER!  So we will have to wait until next Tuesday I know it SUCKS BALLS! so what did you think of the summer premiere? Leave a comment below using the new Twitter or Facebook Comment thing!

On TV Tonight!

If you been a fan you know tonight is the summer premiere of the world wide TV sensation of “Pretty Little Liars

And we LOVE it!

The summer premiere of Pretty Little Liars is going to have everyone talking! Is Ian dead or alive? What will A do next? Will Hanna andCaleb be together?

We can’t wait to find out what happens!!!

Don’t miss the exciting summer premiere of the hit Pretty Little Liarson ABC Family at 8/7c.

Join the excitement on Twitter using #prettylittleliars!

Tracy Morgan “I’m Sorry, I Want On TV!”

After Tracy Morgan‘s anti-born this way anthem made its way around the Internet, I am sure his publicist went to work and force him to the front of the stage to apologize. Seems like the letter of  “Sorry”  won out, because here’s the statement Tracy issued to the New York Times this morning.

“I want to apologize to my fans and the gay & lesbian community for my choice of words at my recent stand-up act in Nashville. I’m not a hateful person and don’t condone any kind of violence against others. While I am an equal opportunity jokester, and my friends know what is in my heart, even in a comedy club this clearly went too far and was not funny in any context.”

Really all I here is “PUT ME BACK ON TV PLEASE” Like I said in my first post about this issue I said it would hurt his carrier and guess what it did! TV appreances canceled him and more! And lost Twitter followers and Like’s!

Tina Fey said that her daughter writes a lot of Tracy Jordan‘s lines in 30 Rock. It’s become clear that the only solution to this mess is that from now Tina Fey’s daughter should write ALL of Tracy Morgan’s words.

Darren Criss Dragged Off Stage By Crazed Fan

Last night, the Glee tour pleasured of hundreds of Glee fans. The Gleeks put on an epic show for the sold-out Verizon Center crowd and at the show’s end, they reached out to some lucky D.C. fans to thank them for coming. Darren Criss reached out to touch the hand of a woman sitting alongside the stage. She in turn grabbed him and dragged him OFF STAGE!!!!

Thankfully, he didn’t get hurt and after he was checked out, he tweeted a very sincere message to the lady who got a handful of him. He wrote:

“To the lady who pulled me off the stage and into the pit tonight: if I ever see you on a stage… keep your wits about ya. Love, Darren :) ! ”

(5:30) is the time when it happens

Justena Most Mismatched COUPLE IN AMERICA!

So Selena visited with The Tonight Show and tells Jay Leno that her mother approves of Biebs. (Check it)

Just they LOOK LIKE BROTHER AND SISTER MY GOD! and when they kiss!

It’s like brother making out with his sister in SUCH a weird way! but guess love is love right???

Now for SG new movie I say from what you see from what they showed you will be a really good movie to go watch and I will be down as long as no kissing cousins SELENA !

No I love this girl and for her to date Justin just so WEIRD but ill get use to it I guess! Your thought on the couple and the movie?

Keeping Up With The Prego’s!

Yes keeping up with the Kardashians air’s this Sunday 10/9c on June 12th unless you live in the closet you would know this already!

They will be back for season 6! can you believe it but hey I am like you bring on the Kardashians!

I am sure we will get to see the Kim and the husband hook up, Khole knocked up, and bunch more drama this season!

Any thoughts about what you hope or want to see for season 6?